Hanold Associates, a specialist in the field, has just placed Ana Rodriguez and Annie Seibold Drapeau as chief human resources officers (CHRO) of Sterigenics International LLC and Moderna Therapeutics, respectively. Jason Hanold, managing partner of Hanold Associates, led both searches.
As Hunt Scanlon reported last week, women continue to dominate the CHRO role across corporate America.
“The gender of the CHRO is often a product of the CEO’s preferences when selecting their key confidant and strategic talent partner,” said Mr. Hanold. “Typically, male CEOs prefer the approach and capabilities that a talented female brings to the HR leadership role. Since most CEOs today are male, that preference likely helps drive the preponderance of females occupying the senior-most HR leadership role in most companies.”
According to Mr. Hanold, the ratio is higher in the industries where there tend to be more males within the executive committee composition (financial services, technology, energy and industrials), whereas there is more balance in the consumer and life sciences sectors, where there tends to be more female senior level executives to begin with. Read the full article on Hunt Scanlon Media.