We are thrilled to announce that Pamela Culpepper has joined our firm family as the Managing Partner of Hanold Associates’ Leadership Advisory Practice. Pamela is a Board Director of Prada’s Board of Directors, where she made history when she joined in 2022, as the first Black woman to serve on Prada’s board in their 109-year history. Pamela is focusing on leadership development, coaching, diversity and human sustainability strategies. Before that, she co-founded Have Her Back, a culture consultancy focused on advancing equity for all. She is the former Chief People Officer for Cboe and Golin, and Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer for PepsiCo, and progressed through HR leadership roles with McKesson, Clorox and Wells Fargo in her earlier career.
Pamela has extensive experience in coaching and advising C-level executives, senior level functional leaders and Human Resources leaders to drive business results and outcomes while achieving maximum personal and professional success. Please join us in welcoming Pamela to our team!
“Pamela and I have known each other for over 15 years. Those years have been filled with incredibly authentic conversations. Pamela is beautifully attentive, supporting, content, humoring, loving and tolerating. She is one of the best listeners who I’ve ever encountered, and then she leans in, educates, elevates, shares wisdom and inspires. She makes those who she meets, better people and leaders. She is wired for giving, positively impacting others, inspiring courage and strength through her genuine love, strength and natural compassion for others. She has made so many of us better throughout the years, and now she is joining us, so we can harness her powers to help those in our ethos; clients, candidate and colleagues, elevate their personal and professional lives.” – Jason Hanold, CEO, Hanold Associates