In this transcript from the 4/12/2020 interview of Jason Hanold, CEO of Hanold Associates, on SiriusXM Career Mix with Torin Ellis, Jason shares his thoughts on helping other organizations during the COVID-19 crisis. (2:34 mins)
Torin Ellis:
During this pandemic right now, you’re supporting a number of organizations around COVID-19. A. How’s the family? And B. What are the team members doing to support other organizations during COVID-19?
Jason Hanold:
Thank you for asking, Torin. The family’s doing great. And now, we’ve turned our attention as a firm into how we help those on the front line.
In Executive Search once this has happened, clearly hiring has subsided a bit, right? Not in all areas, but in a lot of areas and a lot of clients we’re serving. We reached out to organizations that are on the frontline, whether it is in treating patients, whether it is finding a cure or a way to prevent this virus from infecting more of us, and we then forged a volunteer partnership with Hillrom, for instance, which is a leading manufacturer of ICU hospital beds and ventilators.
In their particular world, they can scale manufacturing and production. They have more and more ICU hospital beds shipping out. But the weakest link in that supply chain is once the hospital beds arrive at the hospitals in these hotspots—there’s no one to assemble and install these hospital beds. We’re helping them find dozens of field technicians that are out there across the country to go into these roles. It’s a permanent, full-time job, full benefits and all that, and this is great if someone is maybe underemployed or unemployed today or needing a second chance and can be trained to go into these particular roles. That’s one way we’re contributing.
Then we’re helping Moderna, who is in the lead right now in this race to find a vaccine to prevent this, and we’re helping them scale up their clinical development arenas as well. My belief is we all have a role to play in a crisis, whether it’s individually, whether it’s within your family, within your organization or within society at large. Our goal was to find our role to play in the crisis, and I’d encourage more people to think about your talents and where can I lend a hand where maybe I’ve gotten some time back in my life to give to others, right? Give where you can.